No more standing in line as XHUMA allows citizens to book appointments online with the Ministry.
XHUMA includes online payment and revenue tracking modules which enable citizens, businesses and international stakeholders to pay fees online.
An exciting feature of XHUMA is its ability to support e-procurement. XHUMA can facilitate a Ministry or State Agency, to enable an online process to register and pre-qualify potential vendors.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Government is about facilitating the process of bringing the Government closer to the people through major improvements in the delivery of Government Services and information provision in ways that are most convenient to citizens and businesses. ICT has reformed stakeholder expectations of service and information availability.
XHUMA allows public access to an online list of your registered entities, and whether they are in good standing.
The XHUMA Government Portal Cloud Stack is a fast way for Government Ministries and State Agencies to collaborate, share data, host and update websites, as well as deploy live citizen / business facing e-service applications.
XHUMA comes with a number of filter and reporting tools as well as dashboard analytics which visually represent your real-time data.
What is XHUMA?